Home Resources Local Search predictions for 2022 

Local Search predictions for 2022 


Any hopes of 2022 ushering in some semblance of a “new normal” have been dashed as the Coronavirus persists. Varying levels of vaccination uptake, the discovery of new variants, and ongoing travel restrictions and health regulations around the globe are all keeping local marketers on their toes as we plan for the year ahead.

Consumer needs and behaviors are changing, and the sheer volume of content and information has resulted in local markets that are even more competitive than before. Savvy marketers are seizing hold of new opportunities to appear, engage, and connect at the local level. How can you keep your business locations positioned at the front of the pack in such uncertain times and conditions?

In this eBook, you will learn about:

Recent updates and features in Google Search Expert predictions and commentary to guide your local SEO Links to helpful resources as this season of uncertainty continues

Learn these local SEO best practices and predictions to ensure you’re maximizing your opportunities in 2022.

Guide to Google Search updates

Guide to Google Search updates

Managing your online reputation at scale

Managing your online reputation at scale

Local SEO performance metrics redefined

Local SEO performance metrics redefined


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